How to crop a page in a document to remove unnecessary image edges?
It is possible to crop an image of a document both in the PDF Editor and OCR Editor of FineReader PDF.
PDF Editor
In FineReader PDF 16:
- In the program select Open PDF Document and open the document.
- In the Pages Pane select one or several pages and go to the Organize Pages tab.
- Click the Crop button on the toolbar:
- On the Crop toolbar select the desired cropping frame: Separate frame for each page or Single frame for all pages.
- Move the frame edges to set the cropping frame manually or select a frame size of the appropriate size from the
drop-down list.
- After setting the cropping frame, select the document pages to be cropped and click the Apply Crop button or press Enter.
In FineReader PDF 15:
- In the program select the option Open PDF Document and select the document.
- In the Pages pane, select one or several pages.
Select Crop Pages... on the main toolbar or in the Edit menu.
- On the cropping frame pane select the cropping mode: Separate frame for each page or Single frame for all pages.
- Move the frame edges to set the cropping frame manually or select the size of the cropping frame from the
drop-down list.
- After setting the cropping frame, select the document pages to be cropped and click Crop.
OCR Editor
- In the program choose Open in OCR Editor and select the document.
Go to the Image Editor by clicking on Edit Image:
- Select the Crop tool.
- In the Pages pane, select one or several pages.
- Select the size of the cropping frame or move the frame edges to set the cropping frame manually:
- In the Selection list choose the document pages to crop and click Crop:
- Exit the Image Editor.
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