How to recognize Gothic (Fraktur) text in FineReader PDF mobile for Android


Does FineReader PDF mobile for Android recognize historical Fraktur fonts, such as printed Gothic script? 


FineReader mobile application supports the online recognition of German (Fraktur font) and Latvian (Fraktur font).

To select German/Latvian (Fraktur font) as an OCR language in the app, please follow the steps below:

  1. Press the Recognize button next to the document in the app;
  2. Select the recognition mode Preserve original formatting;
  3. Select the recognition language German (Fraktur font) and format of the resulting file:

  4. Tap the Recognize button to recognize the​ document. 

Additional information

Recognition of Fraktur fonts is not compatible with the recognition of other languages. The current selection of the OCR languages will be cleared, when you set German/Latvian (Fraktur font).

The information about the supported recognition languages in FineReader mobile app can be checked on the app's webpage.

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