Automatically detecting and removing blank pages in FineReader PDF


How to detect and remove blank pages automatically in FineReader PDF?


It is possible to remove blank pages while working in PDF Editor, OCR Editor, and Hot Folder applications of FineReader PDF. In the FineReader PDF 15 version, the option of detecting and removing blank pages automatically is not supported. To delete all blank pages from a PDF document in FineReader PDF, do the following:

PDF Editor

  1. Open a file in the PDF Editor.
  2. In the main menu, select Organize Pages > Delete Blank Pages.
  3. In the appeared dialog box, select the pages for deletion.
    By default, all pages identified by FineReader PDF as blank are selected. Please use the + and – hotkeys to view the pages. Make sure that the selected pages do not contain any handwritten notes, pictures, or other data that may be important.
  4. Click Delete selected pages

OCR Editor

  1. Open a file in the OCR Editor.
  2. In the Edit menu, select Delete Blank Pages.
  3. In the appeared dialog box, select all pages that need to be deleted.
    By default, all pages identified by FineReader PDF as blank are selected. Please use the + and – hotkeys to view the pages. Make sure that the selected pages do not contain any handwritten notes, pictures, or other data that may be important.
  4. Click Delete selected pages.

Hot Folder

  1. When creating a task for processing in the Hot Folder, go to the Analyze and recognize images step. 
  2. To automatically delete blank pages from documents, enable the Automatically delete blank pages option in the Deleting blank pages section.
    Use the Move deleted blank pages to the following folder option to save the images of all deleted blank pages to the specified folder.

Note: The Hot Folder application is available in the Corporate version of the program only.

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