I need to enable/disable certain Toolbar panes in Scanning Station. How to do it in a bulk? Is there any registry key that can be used?
There is a registry key:
It contains a list of toolbar descriptions in square brackets. It consists of 4 numbers separated by spaces:
- First number - toolbar id (0 - Batch Editing; 1 - Image Editing; 2 - Document Navigation; 3 - Script; 4 - Rescan)
- Second number - width
- Third number - flag of visibility (1 or 0)
- Forth number - flag of starting from a new line (1 or 0)
I.e. to enable the Scripts toolbar change the third number from 0 to 1 in the brackets with toolbar id = 3 (the last one on the screenshot).
Note: All changes should be done when Scanning Station is closed.
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