Cannot send a form with the "Send form" action created in FineReader PDF 15


After adding a button with the Send form action in the Form Editor, the form is not sent when you click the button. 


The e-mail address or server is not indicated in the appropriate format.


To send a form with the Send form action, you have to enter the mailto: protocol before the email address or server in the Send to field:

  1. Open your form in the PDF Editor > go to the Form Editor;
  2. Right-click the button > select Properties... > select the Actions tab;
  3. In the Button Properties dialog, select the Send form action > click the Edit... button;
  4. In the Send to field, specify the email address with the mailto: as in the screenshot:
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Exit the Form Editor and click the button to send the form to the specified address.

Additional information

The Button. List of possible actions

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