ISIS scanning warning: Unregistered or Development Version


In Scanning Station while scanning via ISIS protocol a warning occurs:

Unregistered or Development Version


To interact with scanners via ISIS a third-party library Captiva Pixtools Toolkit is used. Versions of that library that are 8.4 and later can cause this warning with the following details: 

You are using an unregistered or development only version of an EMC
Captiva software product.

You may register this software by contacting

If this software is already registered or you are an end user receiving this
message in error, please rename the file DEV*.CHN to DEV*.XXN. Please
note that removing this file may disable scanning and displaying of
images in your application until you reinstall.

Please contact PixTools Support Group if you have any questions.


Rename files as per the instructions above. Files can be found in the Windows directory (by default C:\Windows\PIXTRAN)

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