After recognizing a document in FRE, instead of a carriage return (marked in yellow), there is a manual line break (marked in red). As a result, it is harder to edit a recognized document.
The issue is most likely caused by the Property KeepLines = true of the RTFExportParams Object used in the application.
It can be used to retain original lines in recognized text. Please note that by default this property is set to FALSE.
To resolve the issue, either set the KeepLines property to false, or leave it with default value.
Felipe Castañeda
I am having the same issue, only aggravated by some occasional paragraph breaks where they shouldn't be. I am getting a line break after every line.
I have unchecked the option to keep line breaks. I don't know how to access, Property KeepLines = true of the RTFExportParams Object. Nor how to set the KeepLines property to false. Besides me what I have already done.
thank you, screenshots following.
Victoria Dvornikova
Hello Felipe,
I suppose you use a desktop version of FineReader PDF (based on the screenshot provided) where the properties mentioned in the article are not available, as the article is dedicated to FineReader Engine product. I've created a support ticket based on your comment, and our Customer Support agent will contact you soon.
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