"ABBYY Hot Folder is not available under this license" message appears in FineReader PDF


When trying to launch the Hot Folder tool in FineReader PDF, the following message appears:

ABBYY Hot Folder is not available under this license.


This issue appears in the Standard version of the FineReader PDF program as the Hot Folder tool is not available in the Standard version: Difference between FineReader PDF 16 Standard and FineReader PDF 16 Corporate.

The Hot Folder tool is available in the Corporate version of the program.


If the purchased license of the Standard version of the software does not match your needs and the Hot Folder tool is required, please review the following solution depending on the store you purchased a license at:

In case of any additional questions concerning the program version you have, please submit a request.

Additional information 

"ABBYY Compare Documents is not available under this license" message appears in FineReader PDF

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