How to repair the Windows Explorer integration with FineReader PDF


FineReader PDF functionality options no longer appear in the Windows Explorer context menu. How to recover the integration?


Solution 1:

As a basic troubleshooting step, we recommend to reboot the device and check if the issue persists. If the Windows Explorer integration still doesn't work after restarting the computer, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel (In the search box next to Start on the taskbar, type Control Panel. Select Control Panel from the list of results) > select Programs > Programs and Features.
  2. Choose ABBYY FineReader PDF and right-click it. 
  3. Click the Change button.
  4. Select the Repair option in the installation window and click Next.
  5. Proceed with the repair.

Solution 2:

Make sure that Windows Explorer Integration is enabled:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel (In the search box next to Start on the taskbar, type Control Panel. Select Control Panel from the list of results) > select Programs > Programs and Features.
  2. Choose ABBYY FineReader PDF and right-click it. 
  3. Click the Change button.
  4. Select the Modify option.
  5. Check if the Windows Explorer Integration option is enabled as in the screenshot below:​​
  6. If it is disabled, enable this option and press the Install button. 

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