Configure the AD group after completing the Timeline Recording Service installation


Is it possible to configure the AD group after completing the Timeline Recording Service installation?


To change Active Directory security groups configuration, perform the following actions:

  1. Go to the computer on which the ABBYY Recording Service is installed.

    Note: To perform all activities below, please sign in as a system administrator of the computer.

  2. Go to the folder where the ABBYY Recording Service is installed and open Appdata.production.json using any text editor. By default, the component is installed into C:\inetpub\ABBYY Recording Service.
  3. In the Appdata.production.json file find the ADGroupAccess section and change the values for the UiAdmin and Recorder parameters:
    "ADGroupAccess": {
    "UiAdmin": "Domain\\UserName",
    "Recorder": "ADGroupName"

    Note: Backslashes used in values must be escaped with a backslash.

  4. Save the Appdata.production.json file.
  5. Restart the ABBYY Recording Service website in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

During the installation of the Recording Service, please specify the Admin AD Security Group and Recorder AD Security Group. The installer doesn't check if these groups exist or not. 

Important: Please, note that if the Recording Service is installed, but the AD groups have not been created,  there might be issues with Recording Service, such as not being able to log into the Recording Service Admin Console. Also, Recorders/Clients won't be able to connect to the Recording Service.

Note: It is possible to change the AD group names after the installation, however, we would highly recommend creating groups first and following the procedure in the Deployment Guide..

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