Scanning to FineReader PDF for Mac from Image Capture


Can I still scan images to FineReader PDF for Mac, if my scanner is not found in the program?


As a workaround, you can scan images in Image Capture (default application for scanning on Mac), and the scanned images will be subsequently imported to FineReader PDF for Mac. Please follow these steps:

  1. Start FineReader PDF for Mac;
  2. Start Image Capture;
  3. Select your device on the left;
  4. In Scan To field select Other > select ABBYY FineReader PDF in the applications > set other settings > select the area to scan;
  5. Click the Scan button;
  6. The scanned image will be opened in FineReader PDF for Mac.

Additional information

"No devices connected" in the scanning dialog of FineReader PDF for Mac

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