How to set up MS Graph import for projects in FC Cloud


How to set up/configure MS Graph import for projects in the FC Cloud or in your own FlexiCapture environment?



The process of export will be the following:

1) Open the Project Setup Station (PSS for a shortcut).

2) Enter the FC Cloud address and Tenant -> Connection Settings... and enter the username/password, and choose the project you want to set up the MS Graph




3) From PSS-> click menu Project -> Image Import Profiles... -> New..-> click HotFolder drop down and choose Microsoft Graph Mail API


4) Enter the email address that you would like to pull the mail and click the "Sign in..." button


5) It will pop up OAuth 2.0 Authorization Wizard -> click on the HTTPS link to open the login page


6) Once you sign in with the email address account and password.   If successful it will have this page display


7) Back to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Wizard, it will have the Sign-in successful message


8) Now click Browse... to browse to the folder you want to pull, in this case, Inbox



9) For remaining settings such as the Image Loading tab, Image Processing tab, choose whatever settings you preferred.

10) for the CleanUp Folder tab, set your Processed and Exceptions folder in the Mailbox


11) Important. Make sure your hot-folder is turned ON in the FC CLoud project


12) When the import interval time comes, it will pull the email and download the image files to process.






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1 comment

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    Aaron Tyrrell

    Is it possible to set the Processed and Exceptions folder to a local or UNC path when using on-premise FlexiCapture? It is useful to have a local copy of the processed files instead of storing only on the mail server, since the person responsible for resolving issues may not have access to the inbox.


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