Timeline: How to generate a Public key for SFTP upload


Automated File Upload Via SFTP

If you want to set up file upload via SFTP in Timeline, you will need to generate the public key and send it to ABBYY Timeline support at support@abbyy.com
Support will get back with the username and SFTP server name.


Here is the answer to the question: How to correctly generate a Public key for SFTP upload?



How to Generate Public Key on Windows:
1. Download and install PuTTY
2. Open PuTTYGen
3. Choose the RSA type of key and click generate.
4. Copy and send us the whole generated key (as on the image below)

or copy and send us the whole key from the saved file ( as on the image below )

How to Generate Public Key on Linux:

1. Open Terminal and execute "SSH-keygen" command
2. Follow the instructions in Terminal
3. Open the file from the saved location ( by default it is "/home/"username"/.ssh/id_rsa" )
4. Copy and send us the whole generated key (as on the image below)

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