Is it possible to create a transaction without exporting the document itself?
A transaction can only be created by a connector when the Export method is called. You can create a transaction without exporting the document field collection and image file to it. For this:
- no need to specify exported fields in MappedFields in the script;
- no need to pass exportImageSavingOptions to the Export method;
- set connectorSettings.SaveDocumentImages to false.
But at the same time, Fields and Files objects will still be created in the transaction body in Specific Data. The object BatchRegistrationParameters will be filled depending on whether the batch has registration parameters, and the DocumentDefinition object will contain the name of the document definition applied to the document.
In the script, set a reference for a new transaction using the DmsSpecificOptions interface and add the Reference export option, specifying, for example, the batch identifier in the value:
// Provide reference value for UiPath queue item.
new Option(new KeyValuePair<string, object>("Reference", Document.Batch.Id.ToString())),
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