How to modify table content and add table rows from the script rule?
- In order to modify a table cell content, please create a script rule on the section (top) level:
- You would only need your table column to be specified in the rule settings (column alias is AlternativesCustomerName):
- Here is the rule text:
Context.Field("AlternativesCustomerName").Items[0].Text = "test";
- In order to add a table row, please use the event triggered After document rules are checked. Adding a new row is not available from the field rule script:
- Here is the script text:
// if no rows, then add one
if (Document.Field("Commercial Invoice\\Alternatives").Items.Count < 1) {
Document.Field("Commercial Invoice\\Alternatives").Items.AddNew(0);
Note: you may use any text field with a “flag” content instead of checking Document.Field("Commercial Invoice\\Alternatives").Items.Count < 1.
Please be careful to avoid endless cycle, because this event is triggered again and again: if it adds new rows to the table => table is changes => rules are checked again => “After document rules are checked” is triggered.
using Document.Field gives me the error "The name Document does not exist in the current Context". How can I resolve this. How do I pass the IDocument Argument ?
I want to add row/ lineItem only when I have a specific value in one of the items . This is the script that I've added in After document rules are checked”
string docSection = "SOD ES XXXXX";
IField lineItem = Context.Field(docSection +\\LineItems);
int countItems = lineItem.Items.Count;
bool isMaterialMegabox = false;
string quantityMegabox="";
for(int i = 0 ; i< countItems ;i++)
string CustomerMaterial = lineItem.Items[i].Field("CustomerMaterial").Text;
quantityMegabox = lineItem.Items[i].Field("OrderQuantity").Text;
lineItem.Items[countItems].Field("Material").Text = "707";
lineItem.Items[countItems].Field("OrderQuantity").Text = quantityMegabox;
lineItem.Items[countItems].Field("CustomerMaterial").Text = "";
lineItem.Items[countItems].Field("SalesUnit").Text = "";
How can avoid the endless cycle. In the end I have multiple blank lines added .
The idea here is . If I have specific CustomerNumber to add another row with a specific material number and the quantity of the first one .
I've to set a static field after looping the items I'm setting the field . What I should set stop the multiple creation ?
Could you please help me ?
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