The decimal point is lost after pre-processing on import


The decimal point is lost after the documents are imported in FlexiCapture, causing incorrect value extraction.



There may be different reasons for this issue, but the main reasons are:

  • the poor initial quality of the document
  • aggressive pre-processing on document import


To try to avoid too aggressive pre-processing try disabling the following image enhancement options if they are used in basic image processing or image enhancement profile. This way requires multiple tests as the reason may be in one or a combination of settings and it's individual for each case.


If there is no way to improve the result by changing image enhancement options, space between digits may be used as a decimal mark for this field settings should be set in fields properties as shown below.


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1 comment

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    peter c

    I cannot find the setting anywhere to stop using a space instead of a decimal point. All of the documents I need to covert have decimal points numbers, having a space instead makes the software useless.


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