During FCi Vendor detection, the application will check the record in the data set matches the text extracted from an invoice image.
For an example, in the data set, I have 2 record IDs (1005 and 1006),
where 1005 is the correct match for this particular vendor:
Let's say I want to pre-defined to force match the document with VendorID 1006, how can we do it?
One of several options is from the Scanning Station, click Tools->Batch Types-> New...->Registration parameters-> Add..-> paste the text fc_Predefined:InvoicePredefinedVendorId
Then save this Batch Type as any name you want, for example, VendorID
Now, from Scanning station, select VendorID as batch type. Then create a batch and add the image into the batch
When you click on the document in the Scanning Station, the Registration Parameters will display and allow you to set the vendorID value. Set it to 1006 as you wanted.
Now click SendTo and select which project you want to send the image to.
In the Project Setup Station, the document will be matched with vendorID 1006 as expected.
Also, you can see the pre-defined VendorID is set in the document's properties such as:
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