Does FineReader PDF 15 support printing in reverse order?


Does FineReader PDF 15 support printing in reverse order?


The feature is not supported in the interface of FineReader PDF 15. Please subscribe to FineReader PDF 15 Release notes to be aware of updates and new features implemented.

However, it can be possible to enable printing in reverse order in the printer settings, if your printer supports the feature.

To print pages in reverse order, please follow the steps below:

  1. Start FineReader PDF 15.
  2. Open a PDF document you want to print.
  3. Go to the File menu > select Print
  4. Click on the Printer Settings button.
  5. In the Advanced tab scroll all the options > find the Layout Options > Page Order.
    Note: The list of options in the window depends on the available settings for your printer or MFP. Name of the tabs and options may differ depending on the printer interface. 
  6. To set the print order from the last page to the first, select Back to Front.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click the Print button to print the document.

The PDF-XChange 5.0 for ABBYY FineReader 15 virtual printer does not support printing in reverse order. 

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