How to convert a Microsoft Word document to PDF in FineReader PDF 15 for Windows


How to convert a Microsoft Word document to PDF in FineReader PDF 15 for Windows?


Conversion of a MS Word document to PDF format can be performed in the program in the following ways:

  1. Using a quick conversion task:
    1. Open FineReader PDF 15 > click the Convert to PDF task.
    2. Select a MS Word document > click Open.
    3. Specify the conversion settings > click Convert to PDF.
    4. Specify a name and a destination folder for the output file.
  2. Using the integration with Windows Explorer by selecting the Convert to searchable PDF document command in the context menu. Please refer to the article: Integration with Windows Explorer
  3. With Microsoft Word integration as described in the article: Integration with Microsoft Word
  4. Using the virtual printer as described in the article: Converting to PDF via PDF-XChange 5.0 for FineReader PDF 15.

Additional information

Video tutorial How to create a PDF from Microsoft® Word, Excel, or PowerPoint using the integration with Microsoft Office

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