How to export the trained FlexiLayout to improve it in the FlexiLayout Studio?


How to export the trained FlexiLayout to improve it in the FlexiLayout Studio?


There are cases when the layout of the document is too complex to be trained for a particular vendor/variant and some fields are not recognized or recognized in the wrong location.

If adding more training samples to the batch including the problematic ones doesn't improve the result, the FlexiLayout generated during the training can be improved manually by modifying it in the FlexiLayout Studio.

  1. Right-click on the training batch that needs to be improved and use the Export Trained FlexiLayout option to export the generated FlexiLayout:

  2. Choose the folder to save the FlexiLayout Studio project:

  3. When the export is finished, navigate to the folder and open the *.fsp project file:mceclip2.png

  4. FlexiLayout Studio allows editing the layout to change how elements are found on the documents:mceclip3.png

  5. After the satisfactory result is achieved, the created logic needs to be transferred to the FlexiCapture training batch, it should be done by generating the FlexiLayout file. Navigate to File > Export and save the FlexiLayout in the *.afl format:

  6. To import the improved FlexiLayout into the training batch, navigate to Field Extraction Training Batches in FlexiCapture, right-click on the target training batch, and use the Import FlexiLayout option to import the FlexiLayout that was generated and saved in the previous step:

Additional information

About ABBYY FlexiLayout™ Studio

Creating a FlexiLayout

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    Ranjit Nayak

    Thanks for sharing this tip.


    What is the usecase for importing layout under Document definition? when we can use that approach?

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    Ihor Shendera

    Hello RN,

    Additional layouts for the document definition can be used when this additional layout should apply to all documents processed by the document definition. But if you're using an Invoice project with multiple field extraction training batches for the vendors, changes made in the document definition with the additional layout specifically for one vendor, may negatively impact existing vendor-specific training for other vendors. In this case, it's recommended to improve only the trained layout specific to the vendor as described in the above article. 

    Creating a Document Definition based on a FlexiLayout 



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