Multiple Sessions on Admin and Monitoring Console


After the update to "" you can start facing the Multiple Sessions on Admin and Monitoring Console bug.



It is a known bug in Update 1, please install the patch from here

To apply the patch:

  1. Download the archived patch and extract it to any folder;
  2. Stop all processing in your environment;
  3. After all automatic tasks are finished stop IIS;
  4. Navigate to FlexiCapture12 folder in IIS server (by default C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FlexiCapture12);
  5. Copy web.config from Verification folder in IIS server to downloaded from Verification folder;
  6. Save the Verification folder from the IIS server in another place to have the restore option;
  7. Replace the Verification folder in the Application server with the downloaded folder;
  8. Start IIS server;
  9. Open Administration and monitoring console to verify it works.

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