Error "Cannot create /var/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/FineReader Engine/PdfToolsCache/. The specified file already exists."


When running an application that uses FineReader Engine 12, the following error occurs: "Cannot create /var/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/FineReader Engine/PdfToolsCache/. The specified file already exists."


This error may occur if different users use the same application. The /var/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/FineReader Engine/PdfToolsCache/ folder is created during processing to store some auxiliary processing information. The permissions for the folder will be set based on the user running the application.

When another user will run the application, the "Cannot create /var/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/FineReader Engine/PdfToolsCache/. The specified file already exists." error may occur because the second user does not have the permissions to modify the existing /var/lib/ABBYY/SDK/12/FineReader Engine/PdfToolsCache/ folder.


The FREngineDataFolder property of the InitializeEngine function can be used to specify a custom folder into which user-specific information related to FineReader Engine processing, like PDF Tools cache, should be written. You can pass different folders for different users, or have FREngineDataFolder point to a folder that all users can write into.

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