Is there a way to automate the FlexiCapture installation?


Is there a way to automate the FlexiCapture installation?



There's no guide or ready solution to automate ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 installation and setup, but there are useful tools that can be used to build the custom solution.

  • Installation, update, and uninstallation of the FlexiCapture can be performed via the command line tool, more information here: Installing, removing, and updating ABBYY FlexiCapture 12 via the command line.
  • Licenses can be managed using a command-line console: Managing your licenses using the command-line console.
  • The Processing Server and Stations configuration can be set up using Processing Server commands:
    Description of Processing Server commands
  • The database script used to add administrator users can be modified to automate adding users of different roles, using unique names, email, etc. The below script is used to add a new admin user with the name login and the password password.

    Principal - contains information about users and user groups.
    PrincipalPermission - contains permissions for users or user groups.
    User role types - describes possible user roles.

    Changing the last value in the 4th line to 1 instead of 0 will prompt a new user to change their password on the login, the same way changing the value 10 in the 7th line according to the user role types will allow granting different roles to new users.

declare @newId int
insert into dbo.Principal(Name,FullName,Type,IsSystemAdministrator,Email,PasswordHash,PasswordReset)
values('login','full name',0,1,'','E8F97FBA9104D1EA5047948E6DFB67FACD9F5B73',0)
insert into PrincipalPermission (PrincipalId,RoleType,IsAllowed )
values (@newId,10,1)


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