How to download, install and activate the FineReader PDF program?
Note: This instruction describes the local installation of FineReader PDF.
To install and activate FineReader PDF program follow the steps below:
- It is recommended to temporarily disable the antivirus software while downloading the distribution kit and installation.
- Download the distribution kit of the corresponding program version: FineReader download links.
- Double-click the downloaded installation file (ABBYY_FineReader_PDF.exe) to start the installation.
- Follow the on-screen instructions in the Installation Wizard.
- After the installation, start FineReader PDF.
- Activate the program using a serial number.
Use the activation method "via the Internet" for automatic activation: FineReader activation via the internet.
Donald Castellano-Hoyt
and where on earth do I find the registration number? that is the question.
Victoria Dvornikova
Hello Donald,
I have created a support ticket on your behalf to provide you with the license of your copy of FineReader product.
Steve Wright
I have the same problem as Donald above.
Nataliia Fasolia
Dear Sefa,
I have created a support ticket on your behalf to provide you with the recommendations regarding this issue.
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