
How to create the activity table?

In projects I have been, clients describe all the activities in its process and then we create the activity table inside the tool by SQL, PQL or others as follows:

  CREATE TABLE 'activitytablename' (
       CASE_KEY     VARCHAR(80),
       ACTIVITY       VARCHAR(200),
       SORTING        INT

    "source table"."Identificator"                                    AS "CASE_KEY",
    'First_activity_name'                                                  AS "ACTIVITY",
    "source table"."date_of_activity"                             AS "EVENTTIME",
    10                                                                                    AS "SORTING"
FROM "source table"

In Timeline, how do you create it?

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    Nikolai Kromm


    The basic way to start with a Process Analysis project is to upload prepared CSV files manually. 

    Note. In addition to the manual file upload, you can import data to the project using different data sources or upload processed data from Repository.
    For details, see:
    Data Sources
    ETL in the Cloud

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    Hi Nikolai, thanks for your quick response. My problem is because most of clients have not defined their activity table and therefore we have to do it into the process mining tool. In Timeline is not possible to create from zero this table, we must uploaded it already created?

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    Nikolai Kromm


    Could you please give a small example of the raw data?

    • Please note, that if the data is sensitive, we should discuss it in the support ticket.
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    Samuel Munoz

    I understand that you're used to creating activity tables in tools like SQL and PQL, and you're wondering how to create a similar table in Timeline. The process in Timeline is a bit different, but the basic idea is the same.
    In Timeline, you'll first need to create a custom data source that contains the information about your activities. This data source can be based on a spreadsheet, a database table, or any other data source that can be exported to CSV format.
    Once you have your data source created, you can open Timeline and import the data. Timeline will automatically create a table based on the structure of your data source.
    The next step is to configure the table to display the activities in a timeline format. You can do this by adding columns for the date and time of each activity, as well as any other relevant information. You can also set the sorting order of the activities.
    Once your table is configured, you can add it to a Timeline view. Timeline views are used to display one or more tables in a timeline format. You can customize the appearance of your view by changing the colors, fonts, and other settings.

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    Juan Antonio Jimenez Barandalla

    Good morning Samuel, thank you very much for your answer. Now it is clearer with your details.

    Have a nice day!

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    Olivia Rodriguez

    You can also use the google table option and paste it.


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