OCR searchable pdf Written by Jinchuan Du May 24, 2023 06:17 2 Hi Abbyy, Can searchable pdf proceed OCR? How would it be? Regards Was this article helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful Yes No
Hi Abbyy,
May I follow up on my previous question?
Hello, Jin
ABBYY FineReader Server 14 supports searchable PDF documents as input, as it does with other PDF file types. Supported input formats are listed in the Supported Input Formats.
Searchable PDF documents would be processed as regular PDF documents. You may select an appropriate output format in FRS14 as per your project requirements:
Dialog Box: Workflow Properties, Tab: Output
Dialog Box: Output Format Settings
To create a searchable output PDF document a corresponding option should be enabled that saves both images and text in the output PDF:

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