
Abbyy Finereader 16 vs. Abbyy OCR SDK API to convert PDF to RTF

Dear Team,

We have bulk data which needs to be converted from PDF to RTF and for this we want to purchase your Abbyy API to convert them as per suggested formats, while using Abbyy OCR SDK python API to convert image PDF to RTF it works almost fine but while converting searchable PDF to RTF - the text quality is not up to the mark as it appears in PDF. The result looks perfect in terms of layout but not looks fine in terms of text, see below screenshot for reference:
Source - Text in searchable PDF (Which we have used to convert):

Result - Text in RTF (Converted searchable PDF using Abbyy python API):
Result - Text in RTF (Converted searchable PDF using Abbyy finereader 16):
Here, you can see the highlighted text as a symbol of apostrophe and single quotation has been changed in the output using Abbyy OCR SDK API, we required nearly the same results as it appears in the PDF. Abbyy finereader 16 did good job in the case searchable PDF as well as image PDF as I have tested the same image and searchable PDFs on Abbyy finereader 16 (7 day trial version) the quality of the text seems much better compared to Abbyy OCR SDK API.

Could you please look into this and revert on the same why the quality is different and why it does not work perfectly on searchable PDF? And what is your suggestion? Looking forward to hearing from you.

I have attached 1 searchable PDF and 1 image PDF for your perusal, if you can test.

Manoj Sharma

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