
OCR Batch processing

I need a batch processing for OCR. Specifically, I want to automatically process all pdfs in a folder with OCR. When I use "create OCR project", one large pdf is created as a combination of all the pdfs in the folder. How do I proceed if I want to have this automatically but with single pdfs as result?

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    Yuriy Korotkevych

    Hello Matthias! 

    If you're using FineReader PDF Corporate (Windows), you can use Hot Folder for this task. Here is the help system section that explains how to use it.

    If you're using FineReader PDF Standard (Windows) or FineReader PDF for Mac, Hot Folder is not included in it, so automatic processing of multiple PDFs is not possible. However, you can achieve the result when running the processing manually in OCR Editor too. For that, select "Create a separate file for each source file" option when saving the conversion results (the screenshot below shows the Windows version, but the same option is available in FineReader PDF for Mac as well):


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    Matthias Georgi

    Thank you!

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    Matthias Georgi

    I have to follow up. The solution doesn't work.

    I have about 1000 pdf files, each with between 100 and 400 pages, totaling about 200,000 pages. All have OCR made with old Abbyy Findreader versions. I would like to improve this with Abbyy 16 OCR. 

    When I use the solution from above, Abbey tries to open all the files, creating one large document. When everything is processed, I can save the individual documents. This works up to about 3000 pages, then the RAM is full (32 GB) and Abbyy crashes. 

    Is there a proper batch processing function? In which the files are processed one after the other? So: Open file 1, OCR file 1, save file 1, open file 2, OCR file 2, save file 2...?

    Thank you!

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    Yuriy Korotkevych

    Hello Matthias!

    FineReader PDF (desktop) has a tool for automated processing, Hot Folder, in the FineReader PDF Corporate version. However, it is limited by 5000 pages per month to process, as FineReader PDF (desktop) in general is not designed for automated processing of such big volumes of documents/pages as 200,000.

    To perform your task quickly and reliably, I'd suggest you checking either FineReader Server or ABBYY Vantage OCR Skill solutions. If any of these two looks suitable for you, please get in contact with ABBYY's experts on these solutions using "Request a demo" or "Get in touch" buttons on the web pages provided above to clarify further details.


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