
How to capture background tint in table

Hey there, I have a set of tables which use a background tint to indicate different characteristics for some of the data.

Is there a way the OCR can flag that some cells of the table have a darker background tint, which I can then reflect in the output data in some way (I'm expecting to add a suffix or something)?

I've been exepecting to have to manually annotate the data, but I'd rather automate and check...

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    Yuriy Korotkevych

    Hello Liam,

    FineReader PDF keeps the text and background colors, including of the table cells, when exporting to rich editable formats. For exporting to DOCX, make sure the setting "Keep text and background colors" is on to keep colors of text and text highlights:

    For example, the initial table:

    The conversion result saved to Excel will look like this:


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    Liam Routt

    Hmmm. I need to go to csv. I'll have to think about this and see whether I can capture what I need.

    Thanks for the advice!


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