Currently all the document that are going to verification queue worked by a pool of operators. But we want to validate the fields that are missing, and if some of them needs manual correction, those needs to go special queue, so some operator will monitor and work on it. Rest will go in a normal queue where other operators will work on it.
For ex: We have Invoice Id, Claim Id information missing from document, and require manual verification, it goes to verification station. But while entering the data, operator needs to validate some data locally as well. So we want to route to specific operators to take care of the batches where some missing fields in the manual entry list.
Hi, my friend
In your Project Setup:
1- Open "Project", and select Project Properties, click on "Workflow":
2- Select "Stage..." and add a interactive Stage:
As you need to configurate your verification stage you can restrict Document definitions , and for these documents select specific fields:
Hope it has fit
If I understood you correctly, you need an additional verification stage in your workflow before the main verification, with specific field conditions. For sure, you will need to create one more interactive stage and in the Entry Condition properties define the rules:
If specific operators should have access to this stage, please configure Roles in the stage properties.
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