
Converting PDF TO word page limit

I'm on the Finereader Corporate one week trial and received a message that I can't save more than 100 pages when converting pdf to word. As I was under the impression the one week trial was fully functional and not limited, can you confirm once a new license is activated the program can convert more than 100 pages and it's not actually a limitation of the product? Thank you.

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    Victoria Dvornikova

    Hello Mark,

    We have page limits for both Standard and Corporate trial licenses:

    I suppose you downloaded a trial version if you have only 7 day trial period. I'll create a support ticket based on this comment and we can extend the validity of the license and/or add extra pages for the testing if you need.

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    Mark Young

    Hello and thanks for the prompt response. I see the Trial for Business has 500 pages for conversion - we're testing the Trial for Individual which I see has 100 page limit.

    Is there a limit on page conversions for paid subscriptions of Individual Corporate?

    We do want to purchase at least two annual licenses but need to confirm it will handle the conversion size we need - the document I am testing is 400 pages but could go quite a bit higher in real-world applications. 

    If we can confirm the 400 page document converts without issue we'll purchase at least one annual license tomorrow when the trial ends, no need to extend the trial period.

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    Yuriy Korotkevych

    Hello Mark! Paid licenses of FineReader PDF do not have page limitations with just one exclusion: In FineReader PDF Corporate there is the Hot Folder feature for personal document conversion automation, and this feature is limited by 5000 pages per month:


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    Mark Young


    ok that sounds good, and I don't see that limitation affecting us.

    Thank you.


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