We are using Finereader Server 14 in a large company with many territorial subdivisions, each having its own Administrator.
Is it possible to restrict access for every Administrator, so he can see only his workflows and users, but not those of another's?
That is Administrator A should see in Remote administration console only users and workflows for subdivision A and control them, administrator B should see only users and workflows in subdivision B and so on?
1 comment
Hello, Maylo.
Thank you for taking part in the ABBYY Community!
FineReader Server 14 allows you to configure user roles to be given to specific workflow only for the verification and indexing tasks. There is currently no technical possibility of changing the visibility for different workflows for different administrator users.
In the case you described, I might suggest naming the workflow configurations with a prefix that corresponds to the division name, e.g. "DivisionA_Workflow_1", "DivisionB_Workflow_1".
Additionally, you may track what changes were made to what wofklows by each of the users using the Event Log found in the Remote Administration Console's side panel - Node: Event Log.
If you consider this feature to be a requirement in your business scenario, I would like to ask you to submit a feature request to the ABBYY Support team for further review and consideration. You may do so via the corresponding "Submit a request" button at the top of the page.
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