
Decrease app footprint: choose the right Mobile Capture edition and set of assets

ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK provides a lot of useful functionality for businesses of any size and different needs. This makes our product a multi-tool and the size of it can be too large for your small and agile mobile app. That is why we provide different editions with different feature sets as well as the ability to manage resources inside your distribution.  

The feature set provided by ABBYY Mobile Capture can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Image processing
  • Full-text OCR and custom data capture
  • Out-of-the-box Data Capture profiles

The groups above are listed in the complexity increasing order and each next group requires the features of the previous one. We have customers with different requirements and scenarios. Some of them need only Image capture and don’t want to perform on-device OCR. Others would like to have English OCR only, etc.

Thus, we created 3 product editions, which have a different feature set:

  • Image – the smallest one, which provides only image processing features (no OCR)
  • Image and Data – the medium one, which supports image processing, as well as full-text on-device OCR, BCR and custom data capture
  • Image and Data Extended – the most comprehensive version, which provides out-of-the-box data capture profiles in addition to the features of Image and Data addition

These editions differ in terms of the code base and the same feature requires different footprint in different editions.

For example, if you’d like to use ABBYY Mobile Capture just for automatic image capture and cropping from the video stream, it’s better to take Image edition, since this library won’t include any extra code necessary for OCR.

By default, all ABBYY Mobile Capture trials are provided for Image and Data Extended edition. After the evaluation, when you understand, what ABBYY Mobile Capture features are required for your app, you can request another edition from you account manager.

In addition, to minimize the app footprint you need to exclude from assets all extra files, which aren’t necessary for your scenario.

Here you can find the description of all files available in the distribution:

The files in the libsassets, and notice folders are intended for the final distribution of your application. You need to read the file description attentively and keep only those files, which are required for your scenario.


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