Hi everybody
I have a layout for a document type of 2 pages (it has Header and Footer). In the Project Setup Station the document has a section and everything was working ok until I found some images with blank pages inside, so documents were classified as 'Unknown'.
I configured in Batch Type properties - Recogniton, but although blank pages are erased, the documents remain as 'Unknown'. If the command 'Recognize' is applied manually then they are correctly assembled and clasified.
Can you please give me some ideas to make that automaticaly (erase blank pages, assemble and classification)
Thank you
Could you please send us the documents samples? We will need them to reproduce the issue.
Hi Ekaterina, I send you one image with blank page
We examined your document (4 pages). The second and the fourth pages are "blank", but in fact they are messed with scanning artifacts and to consider them blank there are additional adjustments to be made.
We offer you the following scenario:
Create the 2-pages layout in the FLS, containing required header and footer.
In the FC project settings - image preprocessing window customize “document separation” option as shown on the screenshots: when new document was created, “for image separated by blank pages” option should be chosen. Open the “Blank Pages Detection” window by press “setting” button and increase the allowed amount of text objects (as artifacts are recognized as text symbols).
Just after image import in the project you'll get separate documents and no "blank" pages.
Then create the new script stage in the advanced workflow before recognition stage that will mark the batch's document as needing re-assembling. Set the IsExcludedFromAutomaticAssembling property to "false" (see the screenshot). Then after Recognition the documents are assembled correctly and without blank pages.
This approach will work if you are using Distributed version of FlexiCapture.
Hi Ekaterina, I've been trying to do what you recommend, but it does not work. I attach a document explaining what I did and the results, so you can see what I'm doing wrong (i still can´t
I appreciate your help, thank you
Please make sure that you created the script in the “batch processing” type, not in the “Document processing”.
Hello, I made the correction... but results are the same...
Thank you
Could you please send us the project and samples for tests?
Hello, I send it to you in a message
Thank you
We examined your project and have found that the script was written with syntax errors and didn't work (the errors can be tracked in the Processing Server task logs).
We changed the code to the following:
var docCount=this.Documents.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < docCount; i++)
this.Documents.Item(i).IsExcludedFromAutomaticAssembling = false;
...and got document properly assembled after Recognition.
Yes, that was the problem, i made the correction and it works
Thank you very much
Hi Ekaterina, it's me again... i have another problem, the solution works ok for images that have only one document and blank pages, but i found images with some documents and some blank pages, and the most of images are one document without blank pages... so i have found problems in the assembling process... any suggestion?
I send you other type of images for you can see
Thank you
Could you please send us the source documents with described problem?
Hi Ekaterina, in the link that i sended you last week, (where is the project) i put some images.
i was wondering if, after delete blank pages, can i move the unrecognized documents to a new batch for to process just them again?
When we worked with the project, we did not have any problems with assembling those documents. So you may connect regional support to find the cause of unexpected behavior of the program. Send them the project, some sample documents and detailed description of the problem.
Ok, thanks
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