What is the correct approach to troubleshooting this warning when I see it?
I get this message frequently when saving a document definition with multiple pages, and I have never been able to identify exactly what causes it.
I have searched unsuccessfully for any mention of this message in the forums, the documentation, and in general web searches.
I am not looking for the meaning of the message, that's pretty obvious. I'm looking for advice on how one solves the problem. What steps or procedures should I follow?
So far the only way I have been able to address this is by making random changes to the anchors, but that's not a reasonable solution.
You need to define your document definitions more strictly, so that any document fit no more than one Definition. For this please find some characteristic text, which is unique for different Definitions, and set it as anchor text "used for Document Definition identification" (Program settings > Document Definitions > Static elements > Anchor text).
If the proposed approach does not work in your situation, please send us your project containing concurrent Document Definitions and some sample images demonstrating the problem.
Thanks, this was helpful.
Can you explain exactly what Document Definition Matching and Document Definition Identification mean? I was assuming that Document Definition Matching did what I wanted, but obviously it does not.
Here's what it says in the help documentation, not really informative.
Document Definition matching - A process of selecting a Document Definition and matching its fields against an image.
Document Definition identification - A process of selecting the required Document Definition with the help of identifiers.
I'm still not clear on exactly how the two options differ. Does this mean that document definition matching only uses fields, and ignores other elements? It seems that document definition identification is more strict and matching is more loose.
When is it appropriate to use matching and when is it appropriate to use identification?
The "identification" elements should be unique in each Document Definition (like an ID number)
The "matching" elements should be found in sufficient quantity to ensure that Document Definition will be matched at all, but they may be common for different Document Definitions.
Thanks, this is a very helpful explanation. I'd like to see an explanation like this added to the help files.
I have the same problem, however I'm not able to find the settings "Program settings > Document Definitions > Static elements > Anchor text"
I'm using FC
Thanks in advance.
Could you please clarify do you use fixed or flexible forms, or FCI project?
An anchor is an element of a machine-readable form. So you cannot add anchors to the flexible form. http://help.abbyy.com/en-us/flexicapture/12/formdesigner/element_reference_mark
So address your issue to the regional support, sent them the screenshot of the error, your FC/FLS projects and sample images.
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