I have 2 document types.
I add two static text elements to identify the header in the search elements.
The will be coming from an additional flexilayout.
A) "Document A Something Something"
B) "Document B Yadayadayadadadadad"
I would like to put the found element value into a Block Field, because this
will determine how the XML file will be processed after ABBYY. The text value should be a fixed value for each
static text block, because sometimes the value will change a character or two.
So for instance if it finds
"Document A Something Something" it will put "Document A" into my Block Field
B) "Document B Yadayadayadadadadad" it will put "Document B" into the block field as a value.
How do I do this? I assume I need a little code snippet
Thank you so much if you choose to answer.
Best Regards
If we understand correctly, you need to determine the document types based on their headers in the FLS, and then make some decisions on the Document Definition level based on these types.
We suggest you to use FlexiLayout variants - you may find a standard sample project "Invoice Layouts" in the ABBYY folder:
C:\Users\Public\ABBYY\FlexiCapture\11.0\Samples\FLS\English\Invoice Layouts
where multiple layout variants are used. Then if you create a Document Definition based on the multiple-variant layout, the matched variant name may be found by FlexibleAlternativeName( ) method via IMatchedSectionInfo object. (Using scripts in ABBYY FlexiCapture > Scripts for customizing processing stages > Objects > IMatchedSectionInfo )
Hi Ekaterina,
Thank you for the information, I appreciate it.
I have an additional question.
What if I have a generel setup for "ALL" invoices where I do not search for HEADER & FOOTER, but
assume that all documents are invoices.
Later on I would like to add another layout for a specific invoice where I do actually search for
a HEADER & FOOTER element.
Will the system be able to function like this and classify the generel invoices and the added specific Invoice?
Best Regards
If we understand your situation correctly, you want to match some specific document definition based on flexible layout in the Invoice project.
The matching of different types of document definitions is in the following order:
- fixed sections
- flexible sections
- Invoice layout
so if you add a custom flexible layout to the Invoice project, the custom layout will be matched first and then the rest of pages will be matched by the Invoice layout, if possible.
Thank you.
Am testing currently :-)
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