
Hello world code in Flexicapture using JAva

I'm trying to write a basci code in JAVA

the hello program mentioned in Abbyy sdk samples

import com.abbyy.FCEngine.*;

public class FlexiCaptureTestEnginCreation {

public static void main( String[] args )



// Load the Engine

IEngine engine = Engine.Load( "CProgram Files (x86)/ABBYY SDK/10/FlexiCapture Engine/Bin", "SWTT1000000322xxxxxxxxxx", "" );


catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }



"CProgram Files (x86)/ABBYY SDK/10/FlexiCapture Engine/Bin" is the DLL path of Abbyy in my system, i've also mentioned/tryied below path :

"%ProgramData%\ABBYY\SDK\10\FlexiCapture Engine"

but nothing is working,

Stack Trace:

java.lang.Exception: Unspecified error

at com.abbyy.FCEngine.Engine.load(Native Method)

at com.abbyy.FCEngine.Engine.Load(

at FlexiCaptureTestEnginCreation.main(FlexiCaptureTes

even when i click on "at com.abbyy.FCEngine.Engine.Load(" it says "13 line number is not valid line number"

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    It might be best to contact your local region for code help. It seems like talking about FlexiCapture 10 SDK and not FlexiCapture 10 Application. These forum are really for prebuilt application by ABBYY. i.e. Recognition Server or FlexiCapture app. Yeah I know its a bit confusing since we use the same name for 2 product. one SDK and one Application.
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    Nitingua, It might be best to contact your local region for code help. It seems like talking about FlexiCapture 10 SDK and not FlexiCapture 10 Application. These forum are really for prebuilt application by ABBYY. i.e. Recognition Server or FlexiCapture app. Yeah I know its a bit confusing since we use the same name for 2 product. one SDK and one Application.

    Thank You Sushi, Apparently i've solved the issue but i need to know about how can i get Code help, is there any fourm for this.
    google is not able to answer me . pls help
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    Nitingupta, I have a same problem java.lang.Exception: Unspecified error. How you solved this?
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    Nitingupta, I have a same problem java.lang.Exception: Unspecified error. How you solved this?

    I did load the engine in different way: here is the trick i did

    IEngineLoader engineLoader= Engine.CreateEngineOutprocLoader();

    and follow this link if u r having any issue with licence or 32bit machine issue

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