I tried to do a Field Normalization on the Document Definition, but when I try to save, I got the following error, "Cannot use normalization format with current parsing parameters". Anyone know the reason?
I tried to do a Field Normalization on the Document Definition, but when I try to save, I got the following error, "Cannot use normalization format with current parsing parameters". Anyone know the reason?
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+1. I've also encountered this and would like to know the cause. I've worked around it in the past with AutoCorrect>Replace Characters but have never understood the cause. Does it have something to do with the Data Type selected for that field? I've only ever seen it while using Data Type "Number". It's always worked for me when using Data Type "Amount of Money". +
Edit: Flexicapture 11, Document Definition with FlexiLayout
Could you clarify what is the type of your project? Please specify what datatype you are using?
Project Type: General
I tried both "Number" and "Amount of Money". Both gave me similar error.
I have run into this as well. I has to do with the data field type and a conflict with normalization you are trying to do.
If you can provide a screenshot of your settings.
Please check your datatype settings: you shouldn’t choose “only integer value” option when you use normalization. If unchecking of this box does not help, please send us the screenshots of field format's settings.
Thanks Ekaterina.
It was due to "Only integer value".
I'm facing the same error (upon saving a DD getting the error - Cannot use normalization format with current parsing parameters).
here's what I'm doing
> capturing a Date (MM/dd/yyyy) field value from image
> Data type is Date
> Use Normalization is Checked
> Normalization settings are as below
Date format is: dd/MM/yyyy (20/08/2045)
Date delimiter is: / (slash)
Eg: Input: 12/22/2020
Expected Output: 22/12/2020
Kindly advice
Since you are using Date, check your data type setting. Specifically order of date. Make sure you don't have multiple option checked.
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