I am getting "There are no export options configured for the document" message when I create batch and upload the images by Code by it is working properly while I am uploading the Images from FlexiCapture Project Station Tool.
There are no export options configured for the document
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Hi Nllesh_Oza,
How the images got recognized, Whether it is recognized as "Unknown" or "Invoice"? If possible Could you attach the Screenshot? It would be helpful.
Mean While, If it is recognized as "Unknown", To Export these type of files you need to configure the Export Path in Project Properties Window.
If it is recognized as an Invoice, then You need to configure the Export Path in Document Definition Properties.
Thank you for the Response Sunil Edupuganti
We have talk with support team and they have advice us. to set "Always" option instead of "Under these condition" in Workflow Stage Properties>Entities Condition on Verification Stage.
<<Please refer 1 attachment>>
By Applying above solution The issue regarding Exception has been resolved now. But the document process has stopped after the Verification stage. However, if working properly when we create the batch and upload the document manually. Please refer below image.
<<Please refer 2, 3, and 3 attachments>>
Thank you
Hi Nilesh,
Can you provide me with your document definition name? I will provide you with one script. So, none of the Invoice will get recognized as an Unknown.
And also, Try to check the "Export" checkbox and try once. It should work.
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