

can someone shed lights whether to pass the email address and password during post or application id with password ?


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    Andrey Isaev

    ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK has two separate loging/password sets. First one is used when you log in to private section of the service where you can control your application settings, buy pages, etc. Second one is used by your application when it access service. They are different for security reasons.

    In future there will be added support of multiple applications per one e-mail/login

    When application access the service it does not use e-mail address. It is using Application ID and Application Password. You can find both in the mail sent to you by service after registration.

    More details and code samples are in documentation.

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    Terrible documentation and code samples ... I was browsing the C# sample, a lot of unnecessary duplicated code that's hard to understand with no STEP-BY-STEP documentation that explains exactly how to set up a SIMPLE web request.

    Instead of all the classes, subclasses, 10 level deep nested methods, you could have explained the authentication method better at least, by saying make a POST request to this URL , with the following headers: ApplicationID and ApplicationPassword, instead of complicating things and asking some crazy properties of classes that are nested so deep, even a PRO in C# would have it hard to figure out what to do.

    Just to clarify, I was trying to use the C# code and customize the Saving + Loading the image file to be processed but with no luck because of the above mentioned reasons.

    Was really looking forward to using your SDK because of the accuracy(That's the only reason I wanted to use it for, the documentation and code samples are completely terrible).

    Not to mention most of the code implementation is outdated(as far as the C# code sample goes), and I am an intermediate C# developer to notice it ...

    Sorry for the rant, but I have spent 5-6 hours to customize a SIMPLE HTTP request to your API, thanks to the bad instructions/documentation and terrible code samples.

    Good luck!

    p.s. The Android code sample is a little better, but still hard to figure out how to customize it.


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