I noticed an issue with the android demo. It cannot distinguish between a dash and a minus sign.
applicationId = "snapchat"
String language ="English";//Comma-separated list: Japanese,English or German,French,Spanish etc.
ProcessingSettings processingSettings = new ProcessingSettings();
processingSettings.setOutputFormat( ProcessingSettings.OutputFormat.txt );
To investigate the issue please send to CloudOCRSDK@abbyy.com the following information:
please do check my question again ... i have updated all the details.
The hyphen is recognized as character "Hyphen-minus" (U+002D), because this character represents hyphen in the ABBYY predefined languages. As we understand, you need the hyphen to be recognized as "En dash" (U+2013) or "Em dash" (U+2014). These symbols are not included into alphabets of the predefined languages, so it is not possible to do in Cloud OCR SDK but you can try another ABBYY product – ABBYY FineReader Engine. In FREngine you can create user defined language and add necessary characters to this language.
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