I'm trying to recognise semantic information about text regions e.g. headers, footers, page numbers, captions etc. I cannot find any information about how to achieve this in the documentation. Please can you provide a python code example?
I am using the supplied python example here: http://ocrsdk.com/documentation/code-samples/. In order to get this Python code to work, I had to change line 90 of AbbyyOnlineSdk.py from
return {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % base64.encodestring( ...
return {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % base64.b64encode( ...
I'm currently just executing this call:
python process.py infile.png outfile.xml -l English -xml
This issue is now fixed on GitHub: https://github.com/abbyysdk/ocrsdk.com/issues/27
1 comment
This feature is not supported in ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK. But you can try to use another our SDK for your needs, namely ABBYY FineReader Engine. You can access the logical structure of a document formatting attributes, including headers, footers, page numbers, fonts, styles etc., via the IFRDocument::DocumentStructure and IFRPage::PageStructure properties. Please find more information in Help → Guided Tour → Advanced Techniques → Working with the Logical Structure of a Document.
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