Hello again, everyone!
I'm trying to deploy the ABBYY files manually, as described on the manual (FCEngine11UserGuide.pdf, page 555), on a Windows 10, 64 bits system.
I've installed the VCREDIST package from Microsoft, both 32 and 64 bit (from visual studio 2008).
I've tried to register both dlls with regsvr32 deployed on c:\windows\system32 and c:\windows\syswow64 but without luck. Tryed to run on an administrative console, too.
The 0x8000fff seems to be a dependancy problem, as of google, but the code tells everything and nothing.
As described on the manual, the deploy path is: c:\ProgrsamData\ABBYY\SDK\11\FlexiCapture Engine.
I've try to deploy all the files, but still without luck.
I've try dependancy walker, but the result is a mess. (Using dependancy walker on the developing machine produce the same output, by the way).
What I'm missing?
Regards, Sebastiano
Hi Sebastiano,
Thank you for using ABBYY products!
To register FCEngine.dll when installing your application, use the following command line:
regsvr32.exe /s /n /i:"Path to the Inc folder" "Path to the FCEngine.dll".
Hope this information is useful. Please inform us about the results.
Best regards, Svetlana
Hello Svetlana, thank you for your answer.
What do you mean with "Path to the Inc folder"?
Regards, Sebastiano
Hello again, on the developing machine I've found an Inc folder. "C:\ProgramData\ABBYY\SDK\11\FlexiCapture Engine\Inc".
Is this the folder?
I've try to copy it on the test machine (at the same level of the Bin folder). Inside that folder I've found a FCEngine.tlb file.
regsvr32.exe /s /n /i:"c:...path...\Inc\" "c:...path...\Bin\FCEngine.dll" does nothing. Excluding the /s switch, I got the same message of executing regsvr32 without parameters.
regsvr32 /n /i:"c:...path...\Inc\FCEngine.tlb" "c:...path...\Bin\FCEngine.dll" gives the initial error: The module "FCEngine.dll" was loaded but the call to DLLInstall failed with error code 0x8000ffff.
Regards, Sebastiano
Dear Sebastiano,
Please check if you have the following permissions to the registry branches:
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ABBYY\SDK\11\FineReader Engine" — full control
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ABBYY\SDK\11" — full control for installation only
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ABBYY\SDK\11" — full control for installation only
and to these folders:
%ProgramData%\ABBYY\SDK\11\FineReader Engine — full control access %ProgramData%\ABBYY\SDK\11\Licenses — full control access
Please correct the permissions if it is necessary, unregister FREngine.dll:
regsvr32.exe /s /n /u /:"path to the Inc folder" "path to FREngine.dll"
and try to register it again:
regsvr32 /n /i:"path to the Inc folder" "path to FREngine.dll"
Please let us know the result and send a screenshot of the registration message to SDK_Support@abbyy.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
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