
Android RTR SDK

Hi, im trying to create android application wich will recognize text from images. Your sample works fine. But when im trying to move rtr to my own project its not. Even in sample when i change areaOfInterest Rect for my needs recognitions not working.

    Rect areaOfInterest = new Rect(surfaceViewWithOverlay.getAreaOfInterest());
    // Start the service
    textCaptureService.start(cameraPreviewSize.width, cameraPreviewSize.height, orientation, areaOfInterest);

Im getting callback in onRequestLatestFrame with data, onFrameProcessed also called, but a result is never stable.

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    Oksana Serdyuk

    To let us understand the issue better, please answer:

    1. Do we understand correctly that the result is not stable in your project, but it operates normally in our sample?

    2. Is it true that the result is stable on your text, but in our sample? Namely, can you reproduce the issue in our sample? If not, then please send to your sample using which we can reproduce the issue on our side.

    3. If the result is not stable on your text in our sample, it is possible that such text is not supported: under some certain conditions, unsupported fonts, complex background, etc.


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