I'm using FlexiCapture engine 11 and I try to make a full process working with streams(byte array) to:
- Read the image and add to the processor.
- Process the image.
- Export the result to a stream, not filesystem.
I read the API documentation but I didn't find an example or an advice to achieve this.
I créate an IReadStream to do this, but I have some problema that I didn't notice, because i have an "Unespecified error" but the file is already readed(the stream).
I attach the code.
I need help!
Thanks in advance
1 comment
I was unable to download the attached file, the link does not seem to work. Could you please re-upload the code?
As to your scenario, if you are using the FlexiCaptureProcessor object to process documents, you could export the result to memory with the IFlexiCaptureProcessor::ExportDocumentToMemory() method. Detailed description of the method is available in the Developer's Help file, article API Reference → Objects → FlexiCapture Processor → FlexiCaptureProcessor.
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