
Document Definition Multi languages?

I would like to create a document definition file (.fcdot) extension with multiple languages (Arabic, English) but using flexi capture 11 it is only allowing me at the moment to create with only one language (OCR) in each even though it supports both so if I tried to scan an image that has both Arabic and English each one them is only able to recognize one language... is it possible to combine them? or create one with both..? please help I've been testing for hours with no use.

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    Nikolay Krivchanskiy

    Hello Odai,


    To create a document definition with multiple default languages please set specific language for each individual field with TextRecognitionParams::Language parameter. Please, note that each field may only have one language set.



    For more information please refer to Help → API Reference → Objects → Document Definition Structure → Processing Parameters → TextRecognitionParams.


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