I am using FlexiCapture11 and using custom LinqBridge.dll developed using .Net 2.0. Basically, it is bridge to use Linq features in .Net 2.0 version.
I tried to use the following code in the script editor - C#.
IEnumerable<char> str = "Test".Select(delegate(char c){return c;});
The script says string doesnt have the "Select" Method.
Does the Flexicapture 11 recognize the Lionbridge - Select extension method / method?
As part of LINQbridge - Lambda expression is also supported. When tried to use the lambda expression. The script shows error.
IEnumerable<char> str = "Test".Select(c=>c);
We added System.Core.dll introduced in .Net 3.5 SP1 to use the LINQ features in FlexiCapture 11. But, Script Editor still shows the same errors. Thanks
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We created a similar discussion with your question in the FlexiCapture forum: http://www.capturedocs.com/thread/flexicapture11-script-editor-shows-error-when-using-select-in-linqbridge-dll
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