That's for (at least) the following reasons:
- it seems a bit odd to do the whole processing via a service - and afterwards download the output via a download link
- the current mechanism is inconvenient since the client is responsible for remembering the order of the requested export formats and match them to the several download URLs; by providing a service method the service may encapsulate this information
The service method might look as follows:
[GET] http(s)://
with the following query parameters
If you think this service method is desirable, please vote for this feature request.
Thanks, Nico
It's not true that it's "insecure" - the download URL contains a cryptographically generated random token with rather short validity period. You can only download the file if you know the link with the token and the token is "fresh enough". It's technically impossible to guess the token and if it leaks accidentally then it is only valid for certain period of time.
Fine with me. I don't fancy discussing what's secure and what's not. How about the other two points?
Hi Nico,
Please vote this feature request up if it is important for you.
To my understanding, I'm unable to vote my own questions (please let me know if I'm wrong here). I've marked it as a favourite instead.
I've deleted the comment about insecureness in my initial question.
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