Hello, i need to recognize only specified region of the image file as i think this will speed up recognition process. I have Top, Left, Right, Bottom coordinates. How can i do that using FREngine10 API for c#?
[FR10 Engine] How to only recognize specified region of the image? Answered
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To recognize only specified region you can create a Layout object and add blocks manually:
C# sample:
For detailed information about these methods please refer to Developer’s Help.
What could be the reason if no text is recognized?
I have a simple pdf file with 2 words of text.
I am trying for days to get any text recognized.
I already tried all possible ways using Engine, FRDocument and DocumentAnalyzer.
I don't know about FRE10 but in FRE11 it's not
We need a little bit more information in order to help you.
Can you please provide images you are trying to recognize and a piece of code that demonstrates how are you using FineReader Engine? You can post it here or send it to SDK_Support@abbyy.com.
Also have you tried samples that comes with FineReader Engine with your pdf?
I solved this issue as described in this thread:
Solution was to set the language for the RecognizerParams of the TextBlock.
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