
How to use Abbyy RTR SDK in Eclipse? Answered


I want to use Abbyy RTR SDK in my Android application written in Eclipse. I don't know how to include .aar file in my project.

The only sample is for Android Studio. Is there tutorial how build app with SDK in Eclipse or sample for this IDE?

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    Oksana Serdyuk


    Thank you for your interest in our new product - Real-Time Recognition SDK!

    And sorry for long silence, we needed to consult with the developers.

    Unfortunately, there is no way just to import a project from Android Studio to Eclipse, so you will have to create a new empty project and manually copy the code. To build your application in Eclipse you need to include the '.so' library file and the JAR file which contains the Java classes to your project. To get these two files you need to unzip the abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar file:

    • you will find in the jni\armeabi-v7a folder,
    • the classes.jar file should be renamed, e.g. to abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.jar.

    All these files you should add to your Eclipse project in the followings order, for example:


    Hope this information will be helpful!


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